Advertorial Examples Newsletter


You get one advertorial example in your email every week.

These are fresh new advertorials for the year 2024 and not some ancient magazine prints from 50 years ago.

(advertorials cover a wide variety of products and markets: fitness, wealth, relationships, survival, gadgets, etc.)

What is an Advertorial?

An advertorial is a carefully crafted piece of text that appears to be just regular content aimed at providing readers with high-quality information.

However, its actual effect is to sell the living daylights out of your product or service.

Unlike traditional sales pages, its intention is hidden and not directly “in your face”.

Why Advertorial?

Because direct ads are less and less effective by the day.

So why do people do it, then?

Because writing regular ads and sales pages is much easier than writing an advertorial.

However, due to advertising overexposure, people are not responding to ads as much as they used to.

This means it is harder than ever to make your advertising campaign profitable.

The Future of Advertorials

Advertorials are what customers always wanted: informative, useful, and engaging content that helps them make purchasing decisions.

But, as long as annoying ad campaigns produced results, companies had no incentive to make an extra effort.

However, since those “lazy” techniques no longer work effectively, companies are (literally) forced to do things properly now.

So advertorials became like Thanos – inevitable 🙂

Learning By Example

The best way to learn how to write advertorials is to read and analyze them.

As you look at the advertorial, focus on different parts:

  • Headline – how does it capture your attention?
  • First couple of lines – how does it spark your curiosity?
  • First half – how is the main “problem” presented?
  • Middle – how does an advertorial transition from problem to solution?
  • Last half – how are products presented as the solution?

The more advertorials you analyze in depth (because just skimming through will not work), the more you will see the structure.

This is why one advertorial per week is the perfect pace. It needs to sink in. You need to sleep on it.

The fastest way is the “slow” way.

Plus, advertorials are sometimes long (but highly effective), and there’s a considerable amount of material to be analyzed.

So don’t rush through it.

Patiently absorb the knowledge as you develop your marketing superpowers.